Miracle Consciousness and How to Develop It

By means of the following amazing scripture, this article sets out how we may each come upon Divine Potential, that of miracle consciousness.

Matthew 7: 13-14 puts it: “enter ye through the narrow gate, for wide is the gate that leads to hell”. A most telling verse indeed. But, to where exactly is this instructional verse guiding.

So, let us put some meat onto this skeleton sentence and see what esoteric nourishment can be gleaned from it. Let us discover how this particular scripture can change our life dramatically for the good.

We’re each inner equipped for spiritual awakening. But, until we connect consciously with the faculty or dynamic of awakening, then scriptures as these remain at their intellectual value only. Literal reading of this scripture is not sufficient, such does not touch upon the faculty means of soul awakening and ability of directly knowing miracle consciousness.

More than ever now, it’s time for moving into personal empowerment, into direct experience of the Divine within each of us. In this context, no outer means — including spoken or written words which are guiding and inspirational only — can give us God, simply because you already have God. Evolution-wise, It’s way past time for evolving beyond limiting religious dogmas and fear-driven belief systems into authentic reality and spiritual maturity, into direct God-Presence or miracle consciousness.

It’s important here to remember that, biblical ‘church’ is not referring to a physical building, but to one’s consciousness. Similarly, the biblical term ‘Jew’ refers to being ‘inwardly’ — one seeking God within. The term is not referring to the Jewish nation or its people. Thus the words on top of the crucifixion read: ‘hail king of the Jews’ meaning, praise (awakening) be the inwardly directed soul seeking their own Christ within.

At our core, we’re each wired for ‘inwardly’: each encoded for divine seeking. Thus the Matthew scripture above is referring to spiritual awakening through our own inward means of mind only.


in the context of ‘inwardly’ and spiritual awakening, what exactly does narrow and wide gate mean, to what and where within are they referring?


Narrow gate is referring to becoming ‘least’ or smallest in lower ego, and wide gate referring to the outer world, to the carnal mind’s addictive attraction and association with the conditioned five senses and their animalistic standard.

So, there are two gates. One leading to heaven the other to hell. The gate to heaven is the strait, or narrow gate – being inwardly seeking – and the gate leading to hell is the outer wide gate of ‘world’ sense consciousness.

Three more questions

What practicalities are involved for entering into this narrow gate: how does one enter through it? Do we enter with our belief systems, our creeds, our social status, our religious faith flags? And, where specifically within is this narrow gate located?

In other words, what’s the password to heaven, to miracle consciousness?

The password to heaven is CONVERGENCE.

Narrow gate — meaning mental convergence — is triggered in the brain, while the wide gate functions under law of spiritual ignorance: lower-self or animalistic standard, here referred to as hell.

Becoming Inwardly

At the functioning level, both gates represent polar opposite states of mind. The reason being, is that, we must learn from our wide gate experiences and, through such learnings, choose one gate standard over the other. Thus, having chosen to be inwardly or, narrow gate, we take practical steps in that direction, of realizing direct narrow gate awareness.

Making this choice of becoming inwardly and taking the initial inward steps in that regard, takes individual courage. But the process — which will be explained here — is really not difficult but does require commitment and dedication. In other words, we make our choice and follow through no matter what our wide gate experiences throw at us. In this context, we member the biblical verse: “and it came to pass… “, meaning every personal situation, struggle or challenge, changes or, comes to pass. So that’s our biblical encouragement throughout this process of becoming ‘inwardly’.

Wide gate consciousness represents and satisfies the lower-self only — the conditioned mind-senses personality – here termed suffering or hell — while narrow gate satisfies or raises the soul/heart into conscious Eternal standard.

Narrowing the focus

By creating a false persona, wide gate identification results in loss of spiritual identity — hence the expression ‘what good in conquering the world, if in doing so, we lose our soul’.

So, ‘narrow gate’ initially is about NARROWING the wide gate persona: narrowing the scattered irresolute intellect: narrowing the activities of the incessant surface thinking mind and its attraction with wide gate or ‘the world’ level of sense consciousness.

Similar to the tortoise withdrawing its limbs into its shell, narrowing the mental focus is how the senses become withdrawn or detached from their objects of attraction — both mental and physical. This is the ‘inwardly’ process of transforming wide gate addiction experiencing into spiritually fulfilling narrow gate awareness.

Miracle of Convergence

Part of the crucifixion’s symbolic or esoteric message is revealed in the image where Jesus’ eyes – on the cross — are converged. Narrowing the mental wide gate through convergence thus replicates personal crucifixion of the created false persona, carnal mind or lower ego.

Daily practice in ‘convergence’ allows the brain adapt to handling two states of awareness simultaneously: world consciousness and eternal consciousness (wide gate and narrow gate). Prior to this functional ability, the brain-nervous system functioned only in mono or single state attention. We’re now entering the realm of miracle consciousness of where narrow gate discernment becomes as spiritual Conqueror over false persona-driven wide gate intellect.

As convergence becomes established, we’re no longer under the compulsion and dominance of the false persona, of wide gate attractions: we now make conscious decisions formulated through the Resolute intellect as opposed to the irresolute. The brain / intellect re-calibrate from animalistic mono into facilitating time and timelessness — relative and absolute – simultaneously within the nervous system. Remembering that we come in to this world uploaded in mono only. Now, a New capacity of consciousness has been triggered, revealed, awakened, that of knowing ‘heaven on earth’ at individual level. Biblically phrased: “heaven and earth (within) are full of thy glory” – full spiritual potential is always available through being ‘inwardly’ converged.

Tolerance to convergence needs time to mature. I say mature, because, there is so much bliss on contact with converged point — mature narrow gate — that the nervous system needs time to acclimatize, become cultured into withstanding waves of pure bliss (biblical rapture). It takes repeated ‘dating’ for this mind/body physiology relationship to eventually ‘marry’, adapt to the surge of pure energy without the dilutor influence of the artificial wide gate persona. At this level, one experiences Divine Presence within as separate from outer world gate activity.

Diving within and the relevance of the mantra

The word ‘least’ biblically can also translate ‘point’ as in, point awareness. Once mature point, or least, becomes established in consciousness, the human soul – in its combined aspect — becomes liberated into conscious infinity – transcendence or, the non-permeated state of Being — without risk of re-capture by the glare of wide gate experiencing. In other words, new desire seeds no longer take deep root for future re-enacting, or future karmic debt.

The secret of deep-sea diving is entering the water at the correct angle. To aid in diving deep within the mind, let us introduce ‘the correct angle’ vehicle, the mantra, Aum. Mantra takes the mind naturally and effortlessly from its familiar conscious terms of reference to the non-familiar unconscious spiritual level.

Mantra is the mind’s natural means of convergence which convergence introduces the mind to the unified field of awareness. It achieves this by way of converged eyes and focussed inner hearing. Focussed eyes and inner hearing take the mind to the mid-brain point, which point triggers the pineal gland into service.

Bearing in mind that the conscious and unconscious are not two separate minds, rather, two aspects of a divided mind. Thus the mantra – meaning mind vehicle – integrates or unifies this thought-created separation by taking the mind through all the levels of the unconscious aspect thereby making it conscious or full. In this context, mantra functions like a deep-sea vibratory torch bringing conscious awareness to unconsciousness, to the non-awakened aspect of mind.

Aum replicates the subtle sound of the universe to which inner hearing attunes. This sacred sound as mentioned with practice recalibrates the brain to oscillate at between 1-3 cycles per second — the Delta or Divine state.

During Aum, the eyes and inner hearing converge naturally between the eyebrows, which ‘point centring’ activates the pineal and pituitary glands. This is how left / right brain harmonization or full spectrum brain awareness, comes about, or, expansion of consciousness.

In this new mind dynamic, awareness functions through unconscious attention – free-flowing thought — as opposed to selective ego-driven conscious mind content or compulsive surface mind thinking. In other words, as the conscious capacity of mind expands, awareness is no longer filtered THROUGH something, through mind-set conditioning, as previously.

As reality begins revealing itself through the eternal Present Moment, the Now, life is no longer experienced through the rear-view mirror of conditioned mind-sets and blinkered societal vision.

Our life no longer reflects fear-driven agendas, that of automatic response activity to previous conditioning. We’re now free to LIVE and not merely exist prisoner-like THROUGH the looped content of one or many controlling mind-sets. Remember, mind-set dictates your life.

Because life is now perceived and experienced through higher awareness, it’s like touching base with our spiritual landscape for the very first time. Convergence has freed us from the illusion of the thought-created world.

There is a bust statue of a Pine cone in the garden section of the Vatican. This symbol – referring to the pineal gland — is rarely spoken about in religion, yet its esoteric message is paramount to the spiritual awakening process.

Entering mind at the right angle

Many are familiar with verbal chanting, particularly that of Aum or Om.

We’re now going to show just how this mantra can be experienced more purely, subtler other than surface decibel hearing.

To start

Chant at normal surface level for about 20/30 seconds. Now, reduce and cease outer verbal recitation and continue inner hearing of mantra non-verbally or silently within from this deeper angle. In other words, go into ‘minus’ decibel hearing and continue deepening the minus level of the inner hearing.

We’re now bringing surface mantra hearing from 14-21 cycles per second of Beta brain speed to 4-7 cps inner hearing of the Theta unifying state. This level represents true biblical silence and stillness, as in “be still and know that I am God” psalm 46-10

With sustained practice, we can lower the brain’s oscillations even deeper to 1-3 cps, which is the Delta state. This level equates to Transcendence or God-Vibratory state.

If the mind drifts into wide gate, and it will — this is why we practice — pause for about 3 seconds, then recommence ‘inner hearing’. Each recommenced ‘inner hearing’ is from a deeper level, thus, every mantra restart represents progress in expansion of consciousness, nothing is lost, only gain.

Point and Infinity

As miracle consciousness develops, we come to understand, that, converged point and infinity are equal: neither are permeated by time, space and causation. Point, on inner contact, equates to concentrated bliss or natural happiness which explodes into Infinity, unboundedness, which infinity collapses back into point to explode again and again every time ‘point contact’ is achieved in meditation. Point and Infinity both contain the eternal memory of each other.

The need now as a species, I feel, is toning back on literal religiosity and instead view scriptures as intended – instructional in consciousness development. It’s worth noting that, many of the early scriptures were composed by advanced Yogis and Rishis — dealing with how the mind functions, and how, through misuse, mind can work either for us or against us – our best friend or worse enemy. Individual convergence indeed is the way of developing and establishing a miracle-functioning consciousness beyond doctrinal dogma and belief systems.
